Read the Superintendent’s Message, apply for free and reduced meals, review the fall health update, and online sporting event tickets.
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! This checklist offers essential back-to-school information to help you get you and your family for the first days of school.
Let's have an amazing 2024-25 school year!
Check out the kindergarten through sixth grade supplies for the 2024-25 school year!
Calling all kids ages 1-18! Check out the free lunch locations and times.
Celebrating the Class of 2024; graduation details; Important health information; Athletics update; SUN Bucks and more.
The 2024-25 school year calendar and start/dismissal schedules have just been finalized.
2024-25 Budget update; start times survey; new student enrollment; Health & Fitness Expo
Family Survey; Science Teacher of the Year; STEM in Action; Thank you to volunteers!
Literacy goals exceeded; School-based health center opens; Dual Language kindergarten; Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
Celebrating education support staff; Robotics teams unite; College fair for students; Upcoming family events
Bond and levy work begins; Student and staff awards; Event for preschool-aged kids; Student opportunities and more
Thank you voters for participating in the Edmonds School District Special Election. The initial ballot count shows both the bond and levy passing.
Enroll in the Edmonds School District; Dual Language Program; Report cards available in Skyward next week; student awards galore
Welcome to Kindergarten Fair; Snow make-up days; Meadowdale Elementary update; report cards coming soon to Skyward.
Family Tech Night; Special Education family events; staff spotlight; internships and scholarships.
Learn about the February 13, 2024 Edmonds School District ballot measures.
Welcome to Kindergarten Fair; School performance reports; Students of the Month; Staff Spotlight
With a new phonics curriculum, elementary students demonstrate their comprehension through oral and written responses in a fun and engaging way.
Engage in your student's learning; Your feedback matters; Edmonds Preschool!
A primary goal is to ensure that every student maximizes the benefits of their education through consistent school attendance.
We're hiring; National Principals Month; Recreation and Resource Fair
Annual Title 1 notification to Cedar Way families
Superintendent Miner community forums, supporting our students, upcoming flu vaccine clinics and more!
This fall students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 will be given the Healthy Youth Survey 2023.
First day of school success; Health Services update; Free and Reduced applications; Now hiring - Classified Job Fair
Let's gear up for fall with reminders about student information, communication, transportation, school meals, student health, fall sports and the district handbook.
Do you need help with the enrollment process?
Visit us at many locations and times for assistance!